Monday, February 29, 2016

5 Reasons why the Markets don't care about US elections this year

In my opinion, the US elections plays absolutly no role in the financial markets at this time, unlike it was in other years. Why is that?

1. At his time, the whole election is a mess. Media is only talking about who worse Trump may be, but they forgot, Hillary or Sanders are even worse! Markets don't like socialists. And Hillary, I'm not sure what her reasons are for going for presidency, she is absolutly powerless and she was worse already as foreign minister. In my opinion, i think it could be possible that she just want to became president for personal resons, maybe she have to show her husband that she can do also what he did? Anyway, the markets dislike Sanders AND Hillary.

2. Trump is feared by the etablishment. But he proofs he can doing business, and many people belive he would not be that offensive if he really won the elections. So markets are very calm with the outlook that he could become president.

3. Michael Bloomberg stands on the sidelines. So maybe somebody with political experience could make the race in the end?

4. The markets have quit other problems at this moment. China, Brexit, refugee crisis, EU crisis - the US elections this year could be seen as far not so important than the elections 4 years ago. 

5. Russia and China proofs that the power of US is not that great anymore than it was before. Russia makes the politics now in many parts of the world, China in other parts. So the whole election2016 is maybe seen in the big context of world economics only as a US internal affair same as Obama Care. Much more important are the development in China or the EU for the world economy.