Toby Crabel is an outstanding Trader, everybody involved in Trading should know about. He wrote 1990 the famous book Day Trading With Short Term Price Patterns and Opening Range Breakout.
Born 1955, he starts Trading 1975 while attending College.
But the best thing about him is, he is still consistent, since many decades. He is managing funds with billions in asset, and year after year, he is profitabel.
His book is despite the title not only for daytraders. It is also written for the multiday Swingtrader.
His methods are still valid, cause some things in price action will never change, cause the behaviour of the people who are forming the market is not changing.
Nevertheless, following blind somebody's strategy is never a good advice,
but often it is possible to adopt some parts or thoughts into the own strategy.
The book of Toby Crabel is one of those where the most Traders should find at
least some good information for building an own strategy.